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My work as a psychologist and psychotherapist is inspired by an abiding interest in human beings and their life stories. Twenty years of clinical experience have been gained through working in Melbourne, London and Vancouver and spanning a range of settings which include: public health, education, the non-profit sector and private practice.  I teach workshops and present at conferences in Australia and internationally on providing treatment to children and families who have experienced interpersonal trauma. For 11 years, I worked as a Senior Psychologist at the Royal Children’s Hospital (Melbourne), specialising in the assessment and treatment of child abuse at the Gatehouse Centre. I subsequently offered consultation to this program for three years. These experiences, together with a PhD that has explored the intergenerational transmission of trauma in the families of those raised in Children’s Homes and Orphanages, has given me a deep appreciation of the heroic effort it takes to live alongside a troubled childhood history.


I undertook training in Psychology, Sandplay Therapy and Play Therapy after completion of a degree in Law and studies in economics. Eventually, I became the first internationally Certified Sandplay Therapist/Teacher in Victoria and the only psychologist in Australia, registered as a practitioner and supervisor in: Psychology, (Jungian) Sandplay Therapy and Play Therapy. I am a founding member of STANZA - the Sandplay Therapy Association of New Zealand and Australia ( My work is informed by compassion, research and a commitment to ongoing learning. My research has been published in peer reviewed journals. 


I have found it a privilege to walk alongside a person's therapeutic process. My clients and my studies have taught me that, within each person there is an intrinsic wisdom and untapped internal resources that can cultivate one’s capacity to grow, learn and move towards living a more loving and authentic life. 


My approach to psychotherapy draws from the gifts offered by depth and analytical psychology, with a particular focus on the psychological principles of C.G. Jung and Dora Kalff,  the power of symbolism, the unconscious and the imagination in activating the healing process inherent in every person. Sandplay (used with children as well as with adults), narrative therapy, and a heart centred therapeutic relationship are some of the ways I help my clients access their deep reservoirs of strength and potential. 

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  • Doctor of Philosophy (Psychology)

  • Post Graduate Diploma in Psychology

  • Graduate Diploma in Child Psychotherapy Studies

  • Bachelor of Laws

  • Bachelor of Arts

  • Registered Psychologist/Board Approved Supervisor, AHPRA

  • Registered Play Therapist & Supervisor, APPTA

  • Certified Sandplay Therapist, Teacher & Supervisor, STANZA/ISST

  • Life transitions

  • Relationship difficulties

  • Depression, anxiety, lack or loss of direction

  • Grief and loss

  • Childhood trauma

  • Parenting

  • Emotional and/or behavioural difficulties

  • Challenges facing Care Leavers  (historical and current)

  • Consultation & Supervision for psychologists, social workers, counsellors, sandplay therapists, play therapists and educators

  • Personal Process towards Certification as a Sandplay Therapist with STANZA/ISST




Individual psychotherapy is a time for you to share your story within an accepting, respectful and emotionally attuned therapeutic relationship. Weekly to fortnightly sessions are recommended, particularly in the initial phase of the process, as we work together to understand what would be most helpful for you. We cannot hurry the therapy along; change may occur gradually. My approach, informed by evidenced based research and a range of interventions including cognitive and behavioural approaches, is guided by depth psychology with its deep respect for the wisdom of the unconscious and the power of the therapeutic relationship to help clients work through their concerns.



Sandplay therapy is a powerful non-verbal therapeutic modality that activates the psyche’s natural capacity for healing. Based on the depth psychology of C.G. Jung and Dora Kalff, sandplay allows a client to symbolically express and process their conscious and unconscious feelings and experiences.  Clients are invited to create a picture in a sand tray using miniature figurines which represent diverse aspects of life and are displayed on shelves. There is no right or wrong way to use the sand, and talking is not required, therefore clients who are very young, not very verbal or traumatised can benefit greatly. Sandplay can be used by people of all ages; it is creative, deeply meaningful, safe and playful. For more information about sandplay therapy in Australia, please see:


Play is for children, what talking is for adults.  In play therapy, children use play activities to symbolise what is most important and of most concern. Children’s play offers us insight into their inner world, their concerns, and their inner resources. Play therapy allows a child to express and explore their feelings in safe and appropriate ways. Through our warm, caring therapeutic relationship and our understanding of children’s play, we can help a child get back on the healthy path of growth; to resolve their challenges, to feel happier, to feel better about themselves and develop a stronger sense of self.


A Personal Sandplay Process is a foundational requirement towards STANZA/ISST Certified Membership. Personal Process offers clinicians the opportunity to experience sandplay and its transformative potential in the space of a safe therapeutic relationship.   For information regarding Certification in Sandplay please see:



The submission of two symbol papers is a requirement towards Certification as a STANZA/ISST Sandplay Therapist.

"The Power of a Symbol" – is a series of workshops to inspire the writing of your symbol papers (small group in-person; max of 6 participants). Please contact me for further details. 


I offer Individual (online and in-person) and Group Supervision. Please contact me if you would like to join my Group Supervision for Play Therapy (in person) or Group Supervision for Sandplay Therapy (online).


I draw on psychoanalytic perspectives, trauma informed practice, intergenerational family systems, child development and attachment theory to help us understand our clients' concerns, internal world, their play and behaviour, in our effort to support them to meet their treatment goals. Supervision hours can be counted towards meeting the requirements for ongoing CPD and/or registration with AHPRA (for Psychologists), STANZA/ISST (for Sandplay Therapists), APPTA (for Play Therapists).* 


*AHRPA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency)

STANZA (Sandplay Therapy Association of New Zealand and Australia)

ISST (International Society for Sandplay Therapy)

APPTA (Australasia Pacific Play Therapy Association)



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Thank you for your inquiry

Location of practice:

West Melbourne 3003

Telehealth is also available

© 2022 by Dr Mary Raftopoulos 

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